Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Apps that Excite Association Professionals

Today on Association Chat we are talking about the apps that are rocking association professionals' worlds.

What are the apps that make a difference in your day-to-day life? We'll explore apps that impact your business, personal, spiritual, and physical lives. Here are some questions we'll discuss:
  1. Which apps are you using to improve what you do at work?
  2. Which apps are helping you with content and marketing for your association?
  3. Which event apps have you used, which event apps are you hoping to use, and what are the features that you really want in an event app?
  4. How are these apps improving your jobs? How long have you been using the app? How did you hear about it?
  5. Which apps are you using to make your life better?
  6. Which apps bring you happiness and why?
  7. Which apps turn you off completely? Why?
  8. What kind of app do you wish existed, but doesn't?
  9. Does your association have an app? 
  10. If your org has an app, what does it do? Is it effective?
  11. If your org does not have an app, what kind of app would be valuable to your members or clients? What features would it have?
  12. What top 3 apps would you recommend to a friend, colleague, or member?
It should be a great chat - if you've never participated, definitely join in the fun on Tuesday at 2 pm ET. We meet every Tuesday at 2 pm ET, so if you missed it this week you can always catch the replay or join us next week for another chat.

For reminders on upcoming topics and just to show the chat some love, please join the Association Chat Facebook Group.

Side Notes

  1. RFP - ASAE Marketing, Membership & Communications Conference (June 13–14, 2016) - Submit your ideas by October 30
  2. RFP - Association Media & Publishing's 2016 Annual Meeting (June 27-29, 2016) - Proposals are due October 30, 2015
  3. RFP - ASAE Annual Meeting & Exposition (August 13-16, 2016) - Submission Deadline is Friday, November 20, 2015
  4. Have you checked out Twitter Publish yet? Twitter announced this new tool and now Twitter Publish is available to the public - check out https://curator.twitter.com to start curating and to create a collection like this one:

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Association Execs - What Keeps You Up at Night?

What a fabulous conversation with great people!

Next week's chat is all about apps that are perfect for association executives and industry folks. You can join in the fun next Tuesday at 2 pm EDT here: https://blab.im/kiki-l-italien-association-chat-awesome-apps-for-association-execs-assnchat. You can also join the Association Chat Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/AssociationChat.

Association Chat is a weekly chat that takes place on Tuesdays at 2 pm ET on Blab. You can also take part in regular conversations and follow links and industry news by following the hashtag #assnchat on Twitter.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Association Chat On Camera! What's Happening to #assnchat?

For the past few weeks Association Chat has been quietly testing a new platform for the weekly Tuesday chats.

Blab is a livestreaming platform that enables a public video chat among four participants at a time. Viewers come in to watch the livestream and they can participate by leaving comments on the desktop application or below on the mobile version. Participants can ask for a seat on camera or respond to the video chat via text. If you are familiar with the likes of Periscope, Meerkat and Google Hangouts, it basically combines all three.

Blab was just launched in April of this year and it is still very much in Beta, though early power users like Joel Comm and Chris Brogan are hosting regular chats and even "Blab Ups" at this point. 

Association Chat has been a regular weekly chat, hosted mostly on Twitter, for the past six years. The chat, created by association legend Jeff De Cagna, was the basis for the popular (and sometimes provocative) hashtag #assnchat. Association Chat has had meetups, tweetups, a book club, and also comes with its own Association Chat group on Facebook.

So far the tests with using Blab for the weekly chats have shown promise. The chats are recorded (you can see replays of past Association Chats on Blab) and the engagement and quality of conversation seems high. My hope is that more voices from the industry will choose to jump in to the available seats on camera each week and share their expertise and opinions on the industry topics du jour. As always, it's the added insights from the participants that creates the value for these chats.
Kait Soloman is a regular Association Chat participant who brings value with every conversation. You can follow her on Twitter: @KaitlinSolomon3

This Tuesday's chat will focus on a more general topic, "What Keeps You up at Night?" We'll also be discussing, "what gets you up in the morning" as suggested by the wildly creative and fun Randi Sumner (follow her on Twitter!). 

Please join the conversation and community live on Tuesday at 2 pm EDT, keep up to date with the Association Chat Facebook Group, and feel free to contact me if you'd like to guest host or have ideas for topics that we should cover in a future chat (a list of planned topics are posted here, but we can always change the schedule around for hot topics!). 

People are always posting interesting articles, links, and thoughts to the Association Chat hashtag, #assnchat, throughout the week on Twitter, so you can always jump in and join the conversation that way, as well. 

See you online!